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Aloha! Got a lot of responses on the initial poll. It was interesting seeing the selections, I thought some might have gotten further given there was no "I have to choose" pressure. So some predicted winners like Ayn and ARA, I also included 'runner ups' that weren't necessarily the top picks but high given their lesser visibility and popularity, I guess? For variety's sake.

So here's the 6 I went with for picking this poll, based on the initial response, current ideas in my head, and time since last image.

PS, please don't complain about results, just saying this in advance. I'll get to the others' eventually!



Let’s go Tala!


I wish that the portrait had been included for these characters again.


Ive been seeing alot of quotations about complains lately in the updates, i hope you are not getting bothered by outside socials. Just know man your doing an amazing job.


Bro don't let Tala loose. 💀💀💀💀


It's nice to see how quickly people have fallen in love with Aurora, even though she's your newest OC. Looks like she'll be getting her first out-of-comic pic if this poll holds out :3


I hope Ara wins though all of these are great options!

Daki Suggester

Wait a minute... Has Aurora been lewded yet?


aw, thanks! i just want it to be positive all around. the complaint comments dont do anything positive is all.


Can't blame you she's got a great design and doesn't have much art yet.


Look, I just want your adorkable Ara more. XD Actually i'd love to see a comic just about that world next instead of a predators thing.

Not Telling

I will always want more Rehzi and Ayn lewds, but Aurora... that brings out my eyes emoji


It's a shame Bailey didn't make it

Zach Zoobotch

Didn't vote this way, but I think it might be interesting to see Aurora during her life, before she got her current markings.