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(edit: clarity)

Hey folks--I noticed there's an option in Patreon billing here called "Subscription Billing." It's where you're charged on the day you join (for new patrons only), instead of that day and then the 1st of each month. If you're an existing Patron, it wouldn't change anything.

Is there any downside to this? Any objections, or hear of it causing issues with other creators? Cause if not, I'll turn this on right away. It won't change anything for existing subscribers, but if you leave and come back, for example, it would take effect, charging you only on the day you joined, and keeping that recurring date.

This is pretty much how most sub services work, I think, so unless there's any issue, I'll go with it--the thing is, it's permanent, so I just can't change back.

Thanks for the feeback in advance! I don't like changing anything about the Patreon before notifying you all, so, hence the post.



If i understood it correctly it prevents "double dipping"?


I personally like being charged on the first of each month. Helps me keep track of each payment versus remembering exactly when I joined


It's permanent? That's odd. You'd think you could change back, give creators options. With that being said, I prefer being billed on the first of the month. It would be a balancing act trying to keep all those I support on the same date otherwise.

Adleisio Cefnfor

I know some creators didn't like the change simply because it made their income and budgeting a bit more complicated and unpredictable as some had begun to rely on 1st of month billing to know what their monthly budget was. Ultimately it is up to you on if that would impact your income and budgets.

Lord Ysengrin

Well, personnally I prefer being charged on the first day if the month. As I have no intention to leave, I won't be affected by this change, should you decide to change. So it's ultimately up to your preferences. ,As other stated, I think it make your patreon income harder to track, especially if you have a high number of patron who come and leave.


We turned it on CT and my personal Patreon the day it came out. It 100% stops the "double charged" thing where someone subs on the last day, gets charged twice, and quits patreon because that's kind of lame. Downsides are that if you deliver monthly content, it is possible if you deliver late, they may miss a content for a month they paid for, but overall it's probably a better experience. I also find it eases me out of the first of the month rush, because my patreon is less a monthly content delivery thing and more of a content as I make it thing, so it's more cozy that way. It should be noted that if you turn this one, everyone that is currently first of the month will stay first of the month, there will be no change for most people, only newcomers will get charged on the dates they sign up. One hidden downside might be batch payment processing, which will effect you more as if your patrons are lower tiered, but I'm not sure batch processing results in a huge overall increase in income for individuals, it just makes some fees slightly cheaper sometimes. But you also get more people that bail on your patreon after a large double charge less, so I think it's probably more in your favor than against.

Setsune Wave

I've heard some regrets from other Patreon creators in the AClub I'm in. I did the change myself and it didn't impact me too noticeably. I like it in concept, but there are benefits to having a singular end-of-month charge you can plan around on both ends, and like you said, you can't roll it back once you've switched, so be very sure if you pull that lever. Of course, Patreon may likely pull that lever for you one day anyway.


Plus side for Patrons: • They can have the billing of their subscriptions spread out over multiple weeks instead of a big chunk at one time in the beginning. Plus side for Creators: • Possibly more subscriptions? Downside for Patrons: • Patrons who get paid on a specific day of the week could have their subscriptions hit a day or two before payday which can negatively impact those on a budget. Downside for Creators: • Monthly budgeting is harder to do with more payments across the month that may or may not change. • Patrons could try to time their payments to get two months of rewards with one term of payment if your schedule varies enough where reward posts aren't consistent on the day of the month. • A lot of payment processors have a transaction fee per transaction which could cut more into your money if you have more frequent but smaller transactions versus one large one.

Oni Boukun

When I first subbed I would've loved that option but now I'm used to having to pay on the first. That being said it definitely wouldn't hurt to turn it on.


A minor convenience. I usually prefer that when subbing smaller amounts. Usually larger amount stuff is more consistent as I am more vested.


I personally prefer things on the first so that I know every patreon subscription is due on the same day, not scattered payments throughout the month. Buuut I'm already subscribed, so it doesn't change anything for me


For that reason, it is a mild annoyance when I find someone with this option turned on, because either I have to take a random payment in the middle of the month, or I have to wait until the start of a new month to subscribe

Lupo Mikti

I'll go with the more strongly worded "I hate it". I want everything charged on the 1st in one single transaction not a separate charge on my card for every single creator I support with this option turned on. I would be very upset with the change.


I don't recommend it. I wish I could switch back, personally, but it's permanent. It's incredibly difficult to manage your finances when you're not exactly sure how much money is coming in every week, patrons have complained about getting charged randomly, It doesn't encourage pledges near the end of the month because I still bleed about 5-10% in the last 10 days of the month. It sucks so bad that I can't swap it back because I just really hate it.

Jurann MacRae

Everyone I know who's turned it on regrets it. And I personally hate not seeing all of my Patreon charges together at the beginning of the month. YMMV, but from everything I've heard this feature was designed to benefit Patreon and their payment processor while doing damage and adding inconvenience to patrons and creators.


I don't know if someone mentioned it already but doesn't that change, if done, affect just new Patrons. I'm sure when you are an "old one" it doesn't affect you, could also be wrong though. For myself, I pay with credit card on Patreon an said credit card charges my bank account once a month. So I actually don't care if I get charged once a month or on the day I subscribed, but I understand when people have a problem with that.


I've gotten so used to the end of the month payments that I think I actually like that better. It helps me keep a better idea of my budget for Patreon. I don't think I'll change but for new comers to Patreon, they might like that subscription model better.


I prefer having my payments all go out on the 1st so I can plan and budget based on what that total should be. Once an artist disables that, I'm often forced to wait until the 1st rolls around to start supporting a new artist and have forgotten to more than once.


If you're already subscribed, nothing changes,you'll still be billed on the 1st as it is now, unless you left, and returned on a different day, if that makes sense. Does that change the opinon or nah?


If you're already subscribed, nothing changes,you'll still be billed on the 1st as it is now, unless you left, and returned on a different day, if that makes sense. Does that change the opinon or nah?


PLEASE DON'T. It changes it for existing patrons too. I absolutely hate it, it makes planning financially incredibly inconvenient. Keep it to the first, it works perfectly and no reason to change it.

Oni Boukun

I'm fine with how my payment is now but figured other people/new people might enjoy the benefits of being able to time when the money comes out and line it up with paychecks or whatever, so I'd say turning it on wouldn't hurt.