Healer #198 Tension (Patreon)
Happy Friday Party members!
Actually...its Tuesday at the time of writing this...that's a little behind the scenes magic for ya. :D
Right now I should be at Comicpalooza kicking off the weekend of booth-tending. Can't wait to let you guys know how it went!
Today's song is a simple one, but I think it's pretty effective. It's very reminiscent of something you'd find in the old MGS games, like when you've been discovered but you are trying to hide to lose your...wanted level I guess?
I think I've only ever done like 1 other MGS style tune, and honestly when I started writing this one that wasn't my goal, it's just what happened lol. Anyway...
As always, thanks so much for your support! I hope you enjoy the tune and you have an AMAZING weekend! God Bless!