Healer #208 Harbor (Patreon)
Happy Wednesday Party Members!
Today's tune is a bit of a hybrid. It's got some PS1/N64 elements to it, but its also slightly 16-bit. It sounds like it could be a desert town theme, but it could also be a track for a harbor. For me, that makes the track interesting, because it can be applied in so many different ways.
Recently I've been "returning to my roots," at least in the sense of the sound fonts I've been using. I've been opting to reach for my old, free sound libraries that helped me to kickstart this whole Patreon experiment rather than my fancy, expensive tools I've been leaning on the past couple of months.
It's really been helping to kickstart my creativity, and gets me into that flow state. I'll ride this wave for a while until it starts to feel stagnate and then I'll have to switch things up again. But in the meantime, enjoy the weird hybrid tunes like this one! :D
As always, thanks so much for your support! I hope you enjoy the tune and you have a great week!