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Happy Friday Party Members!

I really wasn't sure what kind of tune to write this week, so I did what I normally do: play a bunch of random things until something catches my ear! It didn't take long for the first few notes of this tune to pop out, and boom! I was on my way.

What came out actually worked well with the story. Our heroes are facing a lot of uncertainty at the moment, and their morale is down. But as the name implies, even in despair there is always hope!

My hope is that this song serves you and your game well, and really adds some emotional punch to important scenes! Hope you enjoy!

Have a great weekend!


Royalty Free JRPG Music - Hope and Despair

SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL ON PATREON: https://patreon.com/bitbybitsound Sorry, but this song is now only available to my Patreon supporters. BUT you can enjoy this FREE 16-Bit Starter Pack in it's place! Trust me, you'll love it! https://bit-by-bit-sound.ck.page/20751f9717 REQUEST CUSTOM MUSIC: https://www.bitbybitsound.com/contact/ MORE ROYALTY FREE MUSIC AVAILABLE HERE: https://www.bitbybitsound.com/royalty-free-music/ Thank you! Hope and Despair by Bert Cole #jrpg #rpg #royaltyfreemusic #stockmusic #turnbasedrpg #2d #16bit #rpgmakermz #rpgmakermv #rpgmaker #hope #cutscene #despair


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