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EDIT: I updated the files for this one like immediately after posting so make sure you have the current version for a better loop! :D

Happy Tuesday Party Members!

Yesterday's writing sesh was a bit of a rough one. I tried a handful of ideas that just weren't working to me, so I ended up having to pull from the reserves. This was a tune that I started at the beginning of the month but didn't finish. All it needed was a little of this, and a little of that, and boom! New swampy dungeon theme is born.

It was a good reminder for me that I need to get ahead in the content. Right now I'm basically producing all this stuff week by week, but if anything serious were to happen there is a good chance I'd be screwed. Ideally, I'd like to be at least one month ahead in the Patreon and Youtube content, but that's easier said than done haha.

...I probably should have talked about the song more than my work week but uhhh, you know how I do these things. I just rant about whatever is on my mind at the moment. :D

As always, thanks so much for your support! You're the best. Enjoy the tune and I'll see you on Friday!




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