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Happy Tuesday Party Members!

Oh man, I am REALLY happy with how this one turned out. I know I say that like, almost every post, but as creatives yourself, you all probably know that sometimes you make something and it just reminds you of why you love to create in the first place. This is one of those cases for me.

The inspiration for this track is evident in the thumbnail. Last weekend, I was listening to one of those "Best N64 music" playlists, and a track from Jet Force Gemini comes on. The track was for the planet Rith Essa, and it was like, instant inspiration. I mean, I loved the game as a kid, but I just forgot how epic a lot of the songs were. I hope I captured at least a fraction of the epicness in this track

Fun facts: Robin Beanland, the composer for Jet Force Gemini, also composed a lot of bangers for Killer Instinct. He also co-wrote the screenplay for Conker's Bad Fur Day! The more you learn and stuff! :D

As always, thanks so much for your support everyone! The fact that so many of you believe in what I do inspires me so much, and I just can't thank you enough. Enjoy the music and have a great week!




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