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Happy Tuesday Party Members!

Don't you love it when things just line up perfectly? If you remember on my Fire Temple post, I had mentioned doing themed temples for a couple of weeks. Well, Richard made a suggestion this week that lined up perfectly with that idea. 

He shared a tune from Golden Sun (great game, btw) that got the inspiration going. The song originally was intended for a snowy city, but it has such a grand and melancholy feeling to it that I couldn't help but imagine a temple within or just outside of that city as the centerpiece. 

As always, thank you so much for your support! Enjoy the tune and have a great week!





I love this one! Definitely my favorite!


That's awesome! Thank Celestrium. I'm glad after all this time I'm still writing tunes you enjoy. :D Special shout out to Richard for making the suggestion that inspired this one.