Patreon Exclusive - The Lab (Patreon)
Happy Tuesday Party Members!
So if any of you have ever played one of the OG Resident Evil games, you may have seen this one coming, No matter where the game starts, you always end up in some kind of lab somewhere. It may not be called that, but that's definitely the vibe that the final areas give off.
I ran into a touch of trouble on the loop for this one. Whenever you are writing songs that start or end with big sweeping fades, it makes creating a seamless loop almost impossible. dSo what I ended up doing with this track is giving you 2 versions: The Intro version and the Loopable version. This will give you the option of a more subtle opening to whatever area you use it in.
Depending on what engine you are using, you should be able to program it so that after the "INTRO" track completes, the engine cues up the "LOOP" Version and just continues from there. If you have to opt for only one of the versions, definitely go with the Loop version.
As always, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! I hope you've enjoyed this little side quest into some spooky tunes. Next week I'll get back to fulfilling requests and writing non-ambient stuff. Enjoy the tune and have a great week!