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Hey Party Members!

I hate to do it, but I think I need to delay today's song. I had something mostly together by the end of the day yesterday, but listening to it this morning, I just don't think it's ready for release yet. Normally I'd just hunker down about now and get it released within the next hour or so, but I have an appointment at 11 so I have to head out for the morning. 

Also going to be gone this evening, so I just have a small window this afternoon to work on it. There IS a chance I can still get it posted today, but if I that doesn't happen then please look forward to it tomorrow. 

I really do hate to do this kind of thing, but I want to make sure I release something quality for you guys, not just something I threw together to meet a deadline. 

Thanks for your patience, and of course, all of your support!



Taylor Jeude

"A rushed song is forever bad, a delayed song is eventually good." - Beethoven, probably.