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Happy Friday Party Members!

Well, I say that, but today's song doesn't exactly inspire a happy vibe. But hey, tis the season right?

While the song itself isn't super long, I think I managed to squeeze a good amount of vibe in there. I'm always amazed at how, sometimes you really don't need a million different elements to make a song sound full. Sometimes it just takes a piano, a cello and an ambient pad to create something powerful. I'll let you guys be the judges whether or not I succeeded though. :D

Welp, that's all really. Hope you've been enjoying the spooky tunes so far this month. Looks like we only have 3 more to go (already?!), and I think you are going to like em!

As always, thanks so much for your support! I hope you enjoy the tune, and you have a great weekend! God Bless!

