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Hey Party Members! Hope you all had a great weekend and an amazing Christmas!

Just wanted to let you guys know that today's song is postponed until tomorrow. 

I initially *had* something I was going to use today, but upon listening this morning I felt like it wasn't strong enough for a Tuesday release. So about 10 minutes before the tune was supposed to go live, I went back to the drawing board and started from scratch lol.

I think this was the right call, because I wrote a really cool sounding track that should be ready to go for you guys by tomorrow morning. I could force myself to finish it tonight, but I think if I allow myself a little bit more time between writing and the final mix, the song will be that much better. 

Thanks for your patience. Can't wait to share this one with you guys!

As always, thanks so much for the support! Have a great evening, and I'll see ya in the morning. God Bless!



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