Warrior #165 Rain (Patreon)
2024-02-13 14:09:02
Happy Tuesday Party Members!
Yesterday was a rainy day. And not like, "Oh it sprinkled a little bit and now it's just a little misty out," I mean it was RAINING heavy basically all day.
Not gonna lie, I love days like that.
They suck when you to go out and about in them, but when you can stay at home and just listen to that all day, man I love that.
So I got up early, did my normal morning routine, and started in on this song. And the rain inspired the main piano line that the rest of the song was built off of.
Needless to say, I'm VERY happy with how this one turned out. I was definitely in a flow state working on it.
As always, thanks so much for your support! I hope you enjoy the tune, and you guys have a great week! God Bless!