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i can tell you're stressed out, sweetheart. migraines like this are always brought on by stress. you gotta tell me what's going on so i can help. i had no idea you were this stressed out over graduation.




I’m very far removed from graduation, but I’ve been having bad migraines lately. So thank you for these types of audios. They help so much. I can put my head wrap on, headphones in, and try to sleep to get rid of the pain. 💕


I found out 3 days before graduation that I’m not graduating and I’ve been on the brink of tears not knowing what to do but your reassurance makes it a bit better. I’m still lost but at least you’re comforting me


k, your amazing. graduation is soon for me and I am super stressed out about everything so this audio is perfect. 💕💕


That manifestation really is key. The more you think something WILL happen, you start to work and take steps to make it happen because you whole heartedly believe in it. I told myself at the beginning of the year i’d leave my current job and find something that pays more and has my desired schedule. Today was my last day of work and I start at my new workplace next week. I have a lot more thanks to give to my higher power but it’s real guys. 💕🫵🏼


ooooooh i definitely needed this one


i didn’t know i had the option to stop worrying! thanks k you always got me


This is very much needed right now. I’m not graduating yet but I’m doing my exams right now and there is so much pressure and stress on me. If I fail any one exam, they kick you off the course and I am so terrified because I don’t want to be a failure. I’ve been studying like crazy that I feel sick. Thanks for this K.


i remember last year when i was retaking my senior year of my bachelor's degree that i was so anxious that i wouldn't find an internship & get enough credits to graduate. ultimately, i did get my diploma with honors (that i wasn't expecting) thanks to my hard work & believing that it could happen.


all of this to say that this audio's a good reminder that it all works out in the end (eventually)


I’ve had so many stress migraines the past week or so from studying. This is so comforting and a good reminder that it can happen. I just need to manifest harder and believe it. Thank you K❤️✨

Michelle Wagner

K how did you know I graduated yesterday with my bachelor's degree?? 🥹😂 my anxiety was bursting yesterday.

leeanne (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 20:10:24 thank you so much for this one, K🥹 i graduate with my bachelors friday and genuinely my anxiety has been terrible bc of it
2024-05-05 15:28:12 thank you so much for this one, K🥹 i graduate with my bachelors friday and genuinely my anxiety has been terrible bc of it

thank you so much for this one, K🥹 i graduate with my bachelors friday and genuinely my anxiety has been terrible bc of it


Thank you K for this audio truly! Feels slightly targeted tho 👀😭 because this is what I’m feeling and going through rn 😭😭


K: your never gonna have to write a paper again or take an exam again Me who has to go on to do a DPT (Doctorate in Physical Therapy)….. I WISH