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Reading a smattering of Hemingway poetry to help you get to sleep.



Adura Ojo

Thanks K. This helped a lot. More poetry would be great. It’s also encouraging because I also write poems and tend to think my writing style is not up to standard but you reading this made me realize the beauty of rhyming words to match what you feel. Thanks alot💚


Why I didnt find it sooner. This is really beautiful, K 🥹 I'll visit this often. I know it. I hope you'll read more poetry, K. Thank you for this 🌼


I love when you read poetry.


This touched a hidden soft spot in my heart... would you consider reading some more one day?


K, dear, this was beautiful. I hope you do more. Love your voice.


I love poetry and I found this very very relaxing. Listening to this while I'm finishing my work in the middle of the night is the best feeling ever. Thank you K!


k, more of you reading poetry pls :'))


I love this sooo much.... 🥺❤ Hemingway is a beautiful poet and an incredible writer, and you read his words so wonderfully.... 🥺❤😊 I've always loved how you read poetry, you have such a soothing voice and rhythm, and you really let the words flow through you. The magic of poetry - of art - the meaning and emotion, is not isolated in the work itself, like a static artifact, but comes into this world with every human interaction. Everyone who encounters it, who touches it, breathes new life into it, and it lives, in turn, within them; sometimes for a lifetime, sometimes for a moment. Each life, each relationship, each shared moment is unique, special, beautiful... like a snowflake... or a sunrise... (😊❤🤭😉). Beyond having a lovely, lulling voice and rhythm, when you read Hemingway, you share your heart, your soul, your human experience. You don't just read these words, K, you feel them, you live them, you love them, and it's beautiful. 🥺❤ Sorry to word ramble 🥺❤ it's past 6 AM, insomnia is holding me hostage, and my thoughts tend to drift and swirl when I'm overtired... ❤

