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Losing a pet is one of the worst pains and I am so sorry but they aren't gone forever they live on inside of us forever in our memories.




I came searching for this audio as soon as I got home from putting my fur baby down this morning. Losing a pet sucks so bad, but this helped some🥺


Just found out my cat got hit by a car two days ago and didn’t make it. He was this huge baby that stole every piece of food he could find and would often annoy us…now I honestly just miss my food being stolen and bothering him with hugs. Not sure if I’m able to listen to this now, but often I’m so happy that I can find audios from any type of situation even if it’s as unfortunate as this one🥹

Alivia’s Life

When my first dog passed it was difficult. People without pets were being so ignorant it hurt. Pets really become your family after a while because of how loving and loyal they are. ^That was when I was a little younger and tried to make out little shapes of them in the clouds as if they were still following me from heaven. Ofc I’ve gotten older and still think about them daily even with the new addition to my little family ♥️ sorry for rambling guys!! 🤍


sorry to hear that😔, and yes i 100% agree with your statement about pets, they're so loyal. that reminds me, i lost one of my dogs when i was out of the country for college. it was so sad, i wasn't even there when she passed away. 9 years have passed and i still think about her everyday. she's irreplaceable ❤️

Alivia’s Life

Thank you. Sorry to hear about your situation as well. I learned that the more I reminisce on her presence the more I still continue to appreciate her even though she’s passed. So yeah I wouldn’t want to say it really gets better in a sense 😕 but it’s good to have a sense of relief🥺🤍


Had to put my dog down today and I remembered this audio was here. It is definitely needed right now. Thank you so much! 😞❤️