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you are adorable when you are sleepy and it makes waking you up so difficult because i want nothing more than to go back to bed with you but we need to wake up to start our day baby. 



Adam Percy

This audio was ADORABLE <3 i love K's patience to wake us

Alivia’s Life

I had no choice but to actually wake up early today or I might’ve missed Dallas’ game…sorry K but you know I had to lol- this audio is still greatly appreciated though 🖤🤍


Okay, I'll wake up. I'm hungry.


don't mind me, i'm just here to appreciate the first 35seconds of him saying 'baby' very softly and calmly and very patience too.


"You're adorable when you sleep" - sir excuse me I'm over here looking like Anna on coronation day before she actually wakes up. This is super cute and cuddly and very, very much one of my new favorites 💛