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we are sitting on the couch just hanging out after class when you give me this look. let's talk because there is a lot i want to say, and much of it i guess i haven't said. 




🥺 friends to lovers gets me every time❤️

Alivia’s Life

Imagine… •update: the way that you always make it feel real-


Goo kisses 😋


why am i so nervous lmao

Adam Percy

Can we PLLLLEEEASE have a series for this? like the progression from friends --> lovers?


so I posted another friends to lover audio recently, whichever one has more likes by the end of the week will be the one I use as the start point for my friends to lover series.


i got the tingles 😂


Pardon, Sir. I clicked the Friends To Lovers tag and only shows this one, I'm scrolling down and found that the others are Friends To Lover, without the s😂

nothing to see here

How does one choose, they're both very good 🥲


This is soooooo sweet!! I had tingles! I had butterflies! Eeeeeep! 💜💜💜💜💜 Thanks, K! Exactly what I needed after a day watching the news. Much appreciated!!!


The best love stories are always the friends to lover😌🤌✨


Are you reading my mind? This is literally my life right now.


I loved the Friends' reference.


you’re perfect at making these sound so naturalll !!<3


Listening to multiple audios tonight to cheer me up for not being able to get BTS tickets 😔 thank you knight! You always know how to help ❤️


Knight-"I think I may need a drink to get through this conversation" ok,on second thought why not skip the drink and change the subject like I wasn't the one who brought it up lol.knight you Crack me up. Honestly ,I've listened to this audio and written about 5 comments and none of them seem to fit the bill or maybe I'm just overthinking or want to work on keeping my comments short and not novel material lol which is what this recording needs.theres so much intensity and beautiful natural,honest rawness that words don't make it justice.great work k.both choice audios are great for rhe series but I really like this one and both got a love.i hope this helps:)


I fucking loved this 🥺❤❤❤🙈🤭


K - “I was aware that you were like into me, but I didn’t know if you were like into me into me” Me, singing softly - “I’m so into you, I can barely breathe…” 🎵❤️🥺