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you started having small contractions this morning but they have been very inconsistent all day. now it's almost 9 pm and you still are experiencing them. we were both hoping this morning that you might be closer to true labour by tonight but things are progressing slowly. i know it's frustrating but i will be right here next to you every step of the way. 




awwwww 🥺 i’m so excited for when she’s born <3

moonx ☾

That was so sweet 😭😭😭


Dayum i really wish all partners in real life were this sweet..


cannot wait another month for the next one


This series is so dang sweet. 💛


Sweet,sexy laughter with the "hey momma".coupled with your caring,supportive assistance all the way through the recording omgosh..I ❤❤❤.the making sure she's drinking enough water which I am slowly working on.i like that part even though you did threaten to call the doctor..we all know your just doing your dominate k style thing. Ps-im slowly working on catching up on this series.lots of fuzzies and next time,it's your turn to carry..k?:) men get off easy there.🥰🥰🥰


The “hey mama” has me screeching that was so damn cute. So attentive


"Hey mama" makes me happy😭💜 i always want my future kids to call me mama 💜


“You just want her out already.” At 41 weeks you best believe that’s the case 😂. That kid is fully cooked. A friend has 3 kids & went overdue with all of them - she always said she felt like she was being cheated as she’d done her time. Babies come when they’re ready, but it gets to a point where they need to be evicted, so I hope it’s not too much longer. This series is so sweet, I hope you continue with a newborn/ new parent series!


K you cannot make us wait another month for the next episode😩my heart can’t take this


i need the birth audio rn!! i don’t even care