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very similar to get to know knight except here we are only answer nsfw questions. if you have a nsfw question you can ask it right here.



Andrea C

Well currently I have sex 0 times a day, so even once would be an improvement. WHY did I not know that was called a p*ssy job... I found a watersports kink in myself a very long time ago, I just didn't know it was an actual kink. Moral of the story...don't leave a preteen home alone with computer access if you don't want things to be found. RAMBLEFAPS ARE THE BEST. just saying. Some of my fave NSFW audios Hair played with. Hands down. Multiple times you say? But yeah no I can't in front of a camera. Bra shopping is the fucking worst. I need to do it and I don't fucking WANT TO. Shits EXPENSIVE Brat thing makes sense. Being a downright brat all the time is exhausting. I just wanna be SASSY but ultimately yes please I'll do what you say don't be mad no punishment I'll behave Idk why but "not opposed to breaking another one" made me laugh I had (past tense here) a friend who had sex with her ex KNOWING she was going to break up with him like 20 minutes later. It's not my thing and if it's yours no judgement here. But I can't fathom doing that to someone. Consent rules for non-con play is SO FUCKING IMPORTANT and I think that's where the confusion gets to people. I wouldn't be against music in the background, but trying to find specific music to have sex to would just make me overthink the whole situation. Just don't put me in the deciding position lmao You're telling me we are supposed to have our shit together as we get older? I'm pushing 30 soon and I did NOT get this memo wtf


I'm not entirely sure if multiple times a day would be for me. Once would be enough for me, with an established relationship of course. "This too shall piss" please no 😂 Ramblefaps in any form are always welcomed. There's just something about them.. They hit different. Sorry about the this or that question, I just love those so much. It's so difficult, I wouldn't be able to choose. Probably hair being played with I've always had the thought about wanting to be recorded (I'm curious about what I look like while being intimate) but I know I'd feel self-conscious until I were super in the moment and hopefully forgetting it's being recorded. Please don't break another Fleshlight, respectfully. 😂 Bra shopping.. ugh. Don't get me wrong I love a cute lacy bra, but sports bras can be quicker and easier to shop for. I have more cute sports bras than cute lacy bras. Definitely, clear consent with somno or pseudo-somno. I love the shirt idea, that's so good. The crystal idea is, too. I prefer music before, during, and after; just all the time, even if it gets drowned out while being intimate. I just love music and it's always present anyway, but I don't put it on with the intention of setting a mood.


I definitely agree with the flashlight question. The more wet sounds the better 😏


I’m here to personally petition a water sports audio for research purposes only. Because research is super important and not at all related to an ulterior motive I may or may not have…not-at-all😳


2 times per day sounds ideal to me (as if i was sexually active for the past 3 yrs lmfao) Ash your question was super hard, i choose both lmao. Playing with my hair and then kissing my neck? I'm 100% ded. Nah i can't do it infront of the camera. I mean what if strangers found our video by accident.. a total nightmare for me lol Damn bra shopping.. i feel bad for my future partner because i like to shop alone. I need some time to choose the right and comfy bras, i don't want to bore him and make him wait for too long lol bra shopping is hard man. But bra shopping audio is a cute idea I have no idea how somno or pseudo-somno, or even brat taming and all that works. i've never had any DDlg relationships my whole life tbh. Just straight vanilla a.k.a boring & awkward sex life lol 😭 but agree with the consent part. Music, no music, doesn't matter. As long as the mood is right for me.


Oooooooh I forgot that this was a series! Times per day: ideally? More than once? It's been a while since I've had that privilege. Love that you continue to be super supportive and wonderful in considering postpartum recovery. I love the ramblefaps, and if that something you're considering for this series YES. Hair all day. It can be sweet or sexy, and be for both partners. I'm all for bra shopping but could we maybe consider the fact that VS is sizeist, and maybe pick a fictional local shop instead? Being bratty is fun in the right context and mood and time. It's definitely not something I wanna make my entire personality, if that makes sense. I mean, I'm sassy 90% of the time but I am ultimately looking to please a partner. Yes fleshlight! Have you tried any of the Lovense stuff? I feel like there's an equivalent that could be good? The after-breakup hookup is something I have unfortunately done, mostly because I was hoping that by initiating contact he was reconsidering the breakup. I didn't even think about the shirt thing. Or the crystal. I love that. Consent is key. I would loooove an audio re: the shirt. Just saying.

Ada Raven

“This, too, shall piss”… 💀 Y’all wild…


i apologize for my behavior i get too excited about puns


How exactly do we get ahold of these sex tapes? 💳💳💳

Andrea C

I agree with the VS thing. They aren't very friendly towards us bigger girls, and will fit you into the wrong size just to sell the product. The Lovense Max I THINK is their equivalent? Its pricey but I have yet to find Lovense that's not worth the price tag


Ramblefap... yes please. Shout out to Anonymous for that last question.❤ That answer made my week. 😂

Lynn (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-09 15:38:41 this isn’t naughty persay, but it’s similar to the last question asked in this episode. i’m also not sure if you’ve been asked before, so apologies if you have, but are you into or would you consider dating a bigger girl? <3
2022-07-22 09:18:34 this isn’t naughty persay, but it’s similar to the last question asked in this episode. i’m also not sure if you’ve been asked before, so apologies if you have, but are you into or would you consider dating a bigger girl? <3

this isn’t naughty persay, but it’s similar to the last question asked in this episode. i’m also not sure if you’ve been asked before, so apologies if you have, but are you into or would you consider dating a bigger girl? <3


In love with this series