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you have nothing to feel guilty for or about, you did the right thing getting out of a bad situation. i don't think you even know how special you are. you are a bright light, i don't want you to forget it. 



Andrea C

I cannot wait to listen to these before bed 😭

Alivia’s Life

I don’t know how to feel. too excited <3 - (also just bc.. how does it feel to lose the game k. I was fine until I remembered that one audio lol)


I remember than sensor bar was craptaula 😂


love this new way of abbreviating friends to lovers, “f2l” <3


ouch this hit toooooo close. everyone deserves someone who will worship them and doesn’t make you ever question whether they care or not.


we deserve someone who accepts us for who we are! (Also dear Lord, i need someone who is okay with my sarcastic ass jokes)


That moment where he's describing when he first saw her in home room, the dreamy sound to his voice is e v e r y t h i n g

moonx ☾

"bright light" 🥺🤍 I always love when you say the listener is a bright light


I thought my Halloween couldn’t possibly get any worse. Stuck in bed with Covid, missing literally everything that makes Halloween special. My favourite holiday and I’m missing it for a whole nother year. I’ve been fighting the urge to cry all day. 🥺😭 I thought today, and this month, which ends in a few short hours, couldn’t get any worse. …. My ex just text me. 😱😱😱😭😭😭😭 I’ve had literal nightmares about him contacting me again. 😭 I’m having a hard time breathing and it’s not because of Covid…. What the fuck is wrong with this month??? 😭😭😭


I’m actually so proud of how well I handled that. He wanted back into my life but I shut that down, politely but firmly, real quick. I’ve had nightmares about this for months and I handled it like a fucking champ 😭 Thank you for helping K 🥺❤️😭


Thank you for being my safe space 🥺❤️