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It's Monday so you know what that means, another installment of Get To Know Knight the show where you ask me questions and I give you answers to the best of my abilities.

If you want to ask me a question you can here.




I'm new and loving these Q and A's. I love your answer to the question would you mind if your girlfriend listened to someone elses comfort videos. My husband doesn't know I do this. We got married when we were 19 (I'm 46!) and the man has never been one to use his words. His acts of service prove his love for me... but sometimes I need to hear words of affirmation. So thankful for a safe place to get the comfort I need.


miss you alot ❤️


happy monday. <3 you’re too sweet for posting so early, but i hope you slept in a few extra hrs this morning cuz you sound mad tired and sleep is important


say it louder to the ppl at the back that a woman's body hair is none of man/literally anyone problem. its our choice to grow it out or shave it all. IT IS NEVER GROSS, I TAKE SHOWERS EVERYDAY ITS CLEAN GOD DAMN IT!


So glad you are back and well! missed this voice sm!


im with you!!! we have no winter but lately the weather is damn cold too!! #teamnoshave

moonx ☾

Hi, This GTKK was so soft. You're so sweet and amazing. I hope you know that. I think that's all I need to say after hearing this one. (Oh, and that I miss the Harry Potter rambles lol)


My fiancé doesn’t mind me listening to BeforeKnightFalls