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I keep waiting to make these goddamn posts because I want to wait until I have something actually done in order to show it to people. But that's such a pain in the ass because I jump from project to project so much as ideas come to me or other work has to be finished that I end up just not having anything to show anyone.

Anyway, I'm trying to put more of a focus on streaming again, because it's an easy way to make sure I get stuff done and also, I just kind of like doing it.

What I don't like, and what I kind of suck at, is talking to people. I hate my voice, I can't think of shit to talk about, and I have the personality of a soggy cardboard box. I have a way easier time speaking through an avatar. So I'm trying to up my PNGtuber game. I downloaded PNGtuber+ and so far it's been a real game-changer since I don't have enough time or give enough fucks to make a full-blown vtuber and the simple physics are enough to achieve pretty much whatever I wanna do. I don't have a finished avatar yet, mostly because I've been busy kicking the tires and seeing how everything works. It's also served as a good opportunity to delve a little more deeply into Callipeg since Procreate Dreams turned out to be such a wet fart for the time being.

I've also been spending a little time trying to figure out how to make an RPG-style dialog box so I don't really even have to speak, if I don't want to. Like, I want people to be able to ask Noz (or Vin) questions, and I can answer through them. Kind of like a ventriloquist puppet, I guess.

It took a stupid amount of research but I managed to set it up in a way that isn't too painful to operate (it took a surprisingly long time to figure out how to do the typewriter effect in OBS) and now I just have to find a better font and make a box to go around it.

There's not that much else to report, I guess. I'm still set on doing Cinderthiira. I just had all this other crap to do first that's been building up for a while, that I wanted to get done so I could finally get my streaming presence in order. Because it really sucks to feel like you're doing things half-assed when you could actually have been doing them whole-assed if you'd gotten these one or two th ings done first.



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