Merch Poll: One Full YEAR!
- Stickers 6
- Enamal Pins 12
- Tote Bag 1
Hey everyone!
It's crazy that it's already been a year since I started the Curio of Curiosities and I'm really looking forward to what this next year brings. Thank you all SO MUCH for your continued support!
I wanted to start doing some benefits and eventually merch for my Patreon, but I wanted to get some feedback on what people would want.
So, here's a poll!
This is just to get a feel for what people would want/use.
Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments as well!
Whatever the merch will be, it'll focus on Lil' Hope (Depicted above)
Depending on the cost, the merch might just appear as rewards for tiers or for time spent subscribed. I'd have to look into a distribution model, but I'd like it to be a reward for continued support or even high tier benefits.
Whatever the model would be, I'd like your input on what kind of physical rewards you'd like to have.