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Hey everyone! 

Starting later today, you'll be getting monthly story polls, a new tier, and a new room to the Curio of Curiosities to accommodate them.

Behind the Bar comes with so many new benefits!

For this new tier, you get to decide what the flavor of the month will be by submitting your story ideas, or just a particular theme/kink. 

You get Discounts and Priority on commissions!

The new room is The Speakeasy, as discussed in a previous post. A new poll will be generated monthly based off of what was submitted in the new tier.

***You don't have to be part of the new tier to vote!*** Any current paying tiers get a say (your tier description has already been updated to show this), but your voting power is based off your tier. 

  • Tip the Staff: 1X Vote

  • Stay a While: 2X Vote

  • Behind the Bar: 4X Vote

I'm so excited to see where this all goes. I've already written so many things that I never would have thought of because of your commissions, so I can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Image by: DEADDOGINC https://www.patreon.com/deaddoginc/posts


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