"Whatever it Takes" Flavor of the Month Feb 2024 (Patreon)
Happy to announce the first ever Flavor of the Month!
And on a leap year no less!
You all voted and here's the result!
Whatever it Takes
Rex, a sabertooth tiger and amature porn actor doesn't want to be held back by his size anymore. The sabertooth finds a bar that gives him a demonic solution. The titans of the amature world, Stan and Mark, will feel the ire of the irked sabertooth, and then they will feel his superiority in devout detail.
Early Access for Flavor of the Month is going to be granted to all paying tiers! You all voted, you all get to see it one month before anyone else.
Thank you all for participating and making this first story such a fun project! I can't wait to see what you guys come up with next.
I'll be posting a reminder to all Behind the Bar tier members that NEXT WEEK Submissions start again!
For now, enjoy this amazing story that you all contributed to.