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Attention all my patrons: 

Due to how things have been going, I'm not comfortable being on this platform anymore. Firstly, there is a large arbitration campaign going against the site, with patreon having to pay millions of dollars out of pocket, and probably much more in the near future which could bankrupt the company. Second, the censorship and strongarming of creators has gotten insane. I understand that not all of it is patreon's fault, but they aren't blameless either. They could have said no to the payment processors' demands. They want to play the silicon valley game tho, so here we are. Finally, they're rolling out YET ANOTHER 2.5% fee in a few months, this time for currency conversion, with updates to currency values every 6-12 months. In this time of economic recession, this opens the door to massive theft.

So what does this mean for you guys? I am looking at alternatives and have my eye on SubscribeStar. I will most likely be moving there next month and will be shutting down my patreon (may give it an extra month just to make sure people you guys don't miss it). I hope you guys will follow me there! I'll make a post at the end of the month with how to move your pledge over if you don't know how (remind me plz if I forget)

Some things you should know: 

    1. subscribestar can't use paypal or strype, but they can use credit/debit cards. This might be an issue for some of you who don't have them or don't trust a new company. I believe that it's safe to use your card tho.
    2. high res versions are always on my discord (and you can ask me directly if you've missed one). I'm not sure if I can move over/import patreon posts to S.S., will look into that.
   3. tiers will be mostly the same but I plan to use this opportunity to structure things more. 

Again, I hope to see you guys there next month <3



I may have jumped the gun with an $100 pledge today