(49 versions) RobinHood Steals from the Poor~ (Patreon)
A a funny idea I had last night after the whole Robinhood fiasco. Tl;dr from what I understand, normal people banded together (eh eh?) and bought tons of shares of a stock that a hedge fund was cannibalizing to increase their profits (Gamestop), sending the firm like 14 billion dollars into debt. The investing app Robinhood protected the Fund by force-selling normal people's stock in Gamestop against their will, and basically interfered with the market. Needless to say, the incredible irony of an app named Robinhood protecting the rich was not lost on me. So I made this lel.
I'm including non-dialogue/moneybags alts in case you don't care for the semi-political message (even tho I doubt anyone here would disagree :v)