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A a funny idea I had last night after the whole Robinhood fiasco. Tl;dr from what I understand, normal people banded together (eh eh?) and bought tons of shares of a stock that a hedge fund was cannibalizing to increase their profits (Gamestop), sending the firm like 14 billion dollars into debt. The investing app Robinhood protected the Fund by force-selling normal people's stock in Gamestop against their will, and basically interfered with the market. Needless to say, the incredible irony of an app named Robinhood protecting the rich was not lost on me. So I made this lel.

I'm including non-dialogue/moneybags alts in case you don't care for the semi-political message (even tho I doubt anyone here would disagree :v)



Fen Longpaw

Only thing I'll clarify is that it was the hedge funds that were shorting, or short selling, the GameStop stock and that the regular people were buying it up, driving up the price which threw a giant wrench in their plans. Other than that it's a hilarious cluster fuck, and I'm glad to see you get some fun inspiration out of it.


Man I thought it was wild when furries made porn the twitter logo. I thought they couldn't descend any further. But here I am, looking at porn of a stock market crash.


Keep up the political staments. This whole thing was absolute bull. Worst part is when they try to shame people for not investing in stocks and they pull that shit.


And what a beautiful crash she is.


Love it. Those foxes have always made me harder then chinese algebra. Now we just need to see her get her "reward" :3 re:knocked up by the kings guard. Also this whole fiasco has been hysterical. Guess those hedge fund managers shouldn't have eaten so much avocado toast.


Bravoooooooo 👏👏👏 Bravooooooo 👏👏👏 she’s super hot 😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥


Good lord, them thighs tho...phew

Awesome Man

Thanks to this picture, every time I read Robinhood I imagine this.


The little "Thief" ear tag adds so much to these pictures. Not to mention cow print & microbikinis...holy shit <3