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This video focuses on Resonance and how it can be used as a creative tool!

00:00 - Intro and theory

01:42 - Resonant filters

02:20 - Resonators

03:38 - Creating a harmonic drone

06:56 - Processing electric guitar with overtones

14:05 - Controlling Resonators' pitch values

18:32 - Intro to Corpus

22:23 - Creating distorted/filtered drums with Corpus



This is very helpful!

Holland Vance-Wright

The electric guitar through multiple resonators reminds me of Vipers Follow You by Amon Tobin, beautiful

Nathaniel Parrott

A fun one w/ corpus is: an operator (or any synth) w/ a sine wave, or fm'd sine - add corpus with midi control from itself / the operator (I find pipe or tube works best), and then anywhere from 3 to 10 OTTs added to the chain. Play low bass notes and mess with the decay and radius on the corpus - it rumbles for days. With glide/pitching (and especially the LFO on corpus) you get some wild tones to resample into bass lines. really anything with a long decay and stacking a ridiculous amount of OTTs will result in some really fun sounds. A snare with a long decay and 10 OTTs also makes some really great glitchy bass noises.


if anyones looking for corpus outside of Ableton - its on sale. "https://www.applied-acoustics.com/objeq-delay/?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAqfdnD2rX9riQ-_DNxjKkefEOm3jO&gclid=CjwKCAjw74e1BhBnEiwAbqOAjK8MS1L-8LQ_QcFkU1dxkfPGc9zADzfxx6-DGU5zVkTZFElSVo_n-xoCWQcQAvD_BwE"