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The fourth and final video in our Ableton workflow series! This time we look at the glamorous and romantic topic of Organization, and focus on ways to speed up navigation and optimize tools inside Live.

00:00 - Intro

00:19 - Presets

01:13 - Racks

05:35 - Collections & Categories

06:44 - Samples Libraries

09:15 - Organizing samples


Ckek26 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-24 20:17:35 Super informative! Thank you guys! <3
2023-04-27 16:26:41 Super informative! Thank you guys! <3

Super informative! Thank you guys! <3


Very helpful, thanks a lot!

Matthew Swain

hey guys, this is the first video ive watched on your patreon and Id like to say I already feel happy for purchasing. You are great teachers

Cheeky Face

Say you were to mess with something like 'Operator' and then toggle a bunch of your preferences on the device, and then save it as 'default preset' Is there a way to undo this to restore 'Operator' to its original factory setting?


You can delete your saved preset in the User Library Defaults folder. Then restart Live and the factory preset should be restored.