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For part two of our generative series, we create random percussion and drum breaks.

All project files and patches made in the video are available to download here.

MDD Snake

Force Note

Instant Haus 



Great video and some really cool ideas, thanks! Is anyone else experiencing issues with the new Patreon video player? I'm getting playback freezes often.

Joby Osman

brilliant, this is similar to my working methods, but I got so much out of this video. Thanks a lot!

Joby Osman

One thing that upped the generative/randomisation game with beats for me is Atlas VST, well worth checking out,

Tyrone Lister

I cant find a download for instant haus. It says its discontinued


Hi Tyrone, try this link instead - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c8q5qwy62solfj5g0oqb7/InstantHausbyAlexkid_r25156_v1.0.alp?rlkey=d08vewvfzpprwbz4gi8myqbjs&dl=0


This is a really interesting way of creatiing innovative percussion loops with lots of variation and interesting syncopated rhythms. I am so grateful for everything that you guys have shared thus far. You guys are awesome.