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Hi everyone, hope you've been staying comfortable this hot summer! ^^; Here's a little update on May who I am hoping will be delivered by the middle of this month! Having a lot of fun revisiting literally the first pregnancy animation I ever made! It's wild seeing how much I do differently now, had to re-rig several things, but I still see a lot of the passion in my old one where I first began my journey! I recall my heart was racing because I had never even tried my hand at nsfw before XD I remember feeling inspired to do so at the end of Omega Ruby, especially with the final scene with Brendan and May. I felt like the game left us with a really wonderful connection with May I wanted to see more of, which in turn gave birth to my pursuit of fantasy here with all of you~

I'm so happy we can revisit her. Here's to many more mothers made!

I'm putting a little extra love in this remaster for old time sake ^_^ Hoping to have 3 separate endings in store for May!

2B will be starting production this month right after May, we're getting close to being caught up!

Stay tuned~




That shot and pose is amazing!


The girl who started it all! And what a pose, too! O////o

Tom Titov

Simply wonderful


Woo yea!! Another remake 😃👍🏼 can't wait


Love the new position!


wow this one looks good~ pure birth!