May Hakura Lusty Remaster! ^^ (Patreon)
It's with great pleasure I got to revisit May Hakura! Thank you all for picking this character ^_^ It's really been an amazing revisit for me. Special thanks to Dark Desires for the bulk of the script which was great for me to work with and Zaceria for additional suggestions! I felt like they helped bring this to new heights, further than I imagined!
I'll now be uploading to itchio for storage since dropbox is a terrible pain. XD Enjoy!
*For those that want instant viewing while I still have db, you can still go here ^^:
*There's now a No Male Voice swf version in the uploads! Mp4 version might come soon!
If there is any trouble please let me know^^
Below is just a little blurb about a lot of the emotions I had during the project! Read at your own discretion ^^;
Pokemon and May hold a special place in my heart. Pokemon takes me back to a time of feeling young and full of adventure and wonder... The music, the setting... My deep desires for these characters, some of which were only just forming at the time. All I knew was I wanted more from them. And I simply followed those feelings and it lead me here!
May was my first ever venture into nsfw. I felt so inspired after playing oras, especially the ending that I needed to express these emotions. I had no idea what I was doing It turned out to be a very special process, where I met friends I have to this day, Dark Desires being one of them as well as Boostcrisis and several others who were the first people to commission my works! I began to build on May with each commission, egg laying birth etc and began to understand the process~
My meaning here is that I am grateful I have had a chance to reflect on where I began and for the people I've met and the learning I've done. The mothers we've made here together. Maybe I will blog a bit more on it someday soon, but and I'm grateful to all of you for helping these dreams come true~ I hope I can make some of yours come true as well^^
Get cozy and revisit those fun times with me! Enjoy^_^
Theme voting takes place tomorrow! Stay tuned~