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It's with great pleasure I got to revisit May Hakura! Thank you all for picking this character ^_^ It's really been an amazing revisit for me. Special thanks to Dark Desires for the bulk of the script which was great for me to work with and Zaceria for additional suggestions! I felt like they helped bring this to new heights, further than I imagined!

I'll now be uploading to itchio for storage since dropbox is a terrible pain. XD Enjoy!


*For those that want instant viewing while I still have db, you can still go here ^^: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/u1sbvz7u95tv4dzqutrbe/AIInrh1b92C-_bgZR90bbr4?rlkey=wukm3dvtj1z1623ttw0a30btc&st=28yckr8w&dl=0

*There's now a No Male Voice swf version in the uploads! Mp4 version might come soon!

If there is any trouble please let me know^^

Below is just a little blurb about a lot of the emotions I had during the project! Read at your own discretion ^^;

Pokemon and May hold a special place in my heart. Pokemon takes me back to a time of feeling young and full of adventure and wonder... The music, the setting... My deep desires for these characters, some of which were only just forming at the time. All I knew was I wanted more from them. And I simply followed those feelings and it lead me here!

May was my first ever venture into nsfw. I felt so inspired after playing oras, especially the ending that I needed to express these emotions. I had no idea what I was doing It turned out to be a very special process, where I met friends I have to this day, Dark Desires being one of them as well as Boostcrisis and several others who were the first people to commission my works! I began to build on May with each commission, egg laying birth etc and began to understand the process~

My meaning here is that I am grateful I have had a chance to reflect on where I began and for the people I've met and the learning I've done. The mothers we've made here together. Maybe I will blog a bit more on it someday soon, but and I'm grateful to all of you for helping these dreams come true~ I hope I can make some of yours come true as well^^

Get cozy and revisit those fun times with me! Enjoy^_^

Theme voting takes place tomorrow! Stay tuned~



Katie Watkins

Sucks that we gotta download the files now, but I understand if Dropbox got too inconvenient, it's not great lol


That's right they don't free play anymore do they? I might whip up some db links while I still have them ^^;

Katie Watkins

Nah you don't gotta! Like i said understandable if this works better for you


Dang! I love the approach to the opening with all the belly shots. & the unbirth at the end was an exciting surprise! ^^

Tom Titov

I didn’t realize the extent of the emotional impact of this character in your development as an artist. I’m so glad that you were able to re-explore this character.

Tom Titov

Absolutely amazing work. There isn’t an ending I dislike.


The remake came out better than the original, way to expand upon your original ideas and thoughts Lusty. Each one comes out better than the last and the passion and emotions you talk about are felt throughout the vid. Artisty in motion, peak.


Would it be possible to get an version of the MP4 where the males are muted?. Sorry if that sounds rude they just take me out of it.


I can probably only do that for the swf version :x Let me reach out to you via dm


Mind if I get a copy of that too, hun? Wouldn’t mind making a video version of it for ya!

Dark Desires

This is incredible. The backgrounds are nicely detailed, music selection helps set the mood nicely, and the expanded, branching story gives it a nice bit of replay. Great work!


Okay, if it seems like something in demand that would be appreciated! Thank you!

Nathan Pontier

It looks really good and your quality is always top notch. I never had a problem with Dropbox but Itch.io worked out too. The only difference I saw was a downloading speed (little longer with Itch.io).


>no male voice can we get a version of that for Raven's Big Belly?


Not bad. Love the multiple endings.


It's great!, i love how you show the impregnation scene too, and the birth positions are great i liked the 2nd one. you thinking on remaking others?


If they're voted on, I always love to revisit my old works ^^

unknown entity (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-08 21:21:13
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13 Loved the egg scene but I do wish it was more pain/effort and less pleasure. You have made a lot of ahegao type animations lately.
2024-07-08 21:21:13
2024-07-08 04:56:56

unknown entity (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-16 10:29:31 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.
2024-07-13 02:13:43 I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.

I LOVE her 2nd position though. Incredibly hot.

DG Dia

Omg that's amazing... I hope there will be another video about how May delive the full grown pokemon!!!