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We're due for Daisy's Motherhood Montage! Get ready for her to take it to the next level~

A very inspired take on Daisy's personality fit for pregnancy! Special thanks to our discord for contributing ideas, very fun to see all the different things we can do!

Because of the style I spent a lot of time making each scene as lush as possible. Time for something a little different ^_^ Let me know if you'd like to see more animations like this~
Hope you enjoy ^^


I'm wiped too. Time for this birb to get some rest ~




round 2 immediately

Dark Desires

Bit shorter, but the faster pacing and varied scenes is a very fun concept, and something I can see working with the more energetic characters that sometimes get picked


Holy shit this is next level!


Animation was great, and the quick editing made Daisy feel like a real livewire! That final "???" scene was perfect, but you've set yourself for more work (and more work for Luigi too) XD


Quick and no dialogue, but still so entertaining! I like it this way! All that was missing was the actual impregnation. Regardless, I'm all for Round 2! (when your well rested) BTW, on the swf file, at the end, the replay button doesn't work.


Luigi probably lost a powerup during the Birth from Daisy squeezing His Hand

Maiesio Phil

That was so bonkers, but so fun! I feel like it was ADHD in preggo kink form 😂 How was the workflow compared to the usual longer scripted stuff? I wouldn't mind seeing more anthology type projects like this, especially if they're easier to make for you.


Thanks Dim! The pregnancy will never end, (Much to Daisy's pleasure lol) Thank you for the "aiming there?" sound effect suggestion XD Glad that could be worked in as well!