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Ah the Buddy System... We were REALLY hoping that Caruso would get his in this episode, but glad to know that that's STILL coming 😁
Just like ALL the episodes, we LOVED Julius and Rochelle's parts too 😅
Thanks everyone and have a GREAT Evening/Day/Week and we'll see you soon.
🫶-M@ & Ash



"I have brought disgrace to our family. I must whoop myself until you forgive me" 🤣🤣

Yo Mama

This is one of those episodes that made me hate Caruso even more, which honestly shows how good of an actor that kid was. It showed that there is no reasoning with racists and even when attempting to find some common ground, 9 times out of 10, they’re gonna be stuck in their ways whether consciously or subconsciously.

Yo Mama

I love how Rochelle was trying not to laugh when Drew and Tonya were roasting each other @4:35


I was cracking up when Tanya hit herself with the belt when she felt shame😂😂 and when drew said Julius couldn’t spell with his big bald head😂😂😂.

Jorge X

I love it when tonya gets in trouble XD

Well Hello Silly

U know what me too. Just cuz she's the only girl doesn't mean she should get away with things. However I did lol.. daddy's girl forever!!! 💓-Ash

Carla Davis

I'm gonna be honest... I couldn't stand Tanya when I was watching this show back in the day, and I still can't stand Tanya! Lol