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So Martin gets to take the stage for a TV show, as the host and it all goes straight to his head! Now he's the "Love Doctor" and handing out love advice to everyone, INCLUDING Tommy about PAM!!
Needless to say, we LOVED how this episode unfolded and can't wait to watch more with you all.
Thanks Everyone as always and have a GREAT Weekend 🤗-M@ & Ash



Its Kill Moves! From ehc as one of the guests on word on the street


Out of all 5 seasons, seasons 3-4 are my personal favorite, patiently waiting and so glad you guys are finally on my favorite season! Tichina Arnold (Pam) said in an interview that it wasn't specifically in the plan for Tommy and Pam to be a couple. She was simply Gina's best friend and that's about it. Apparently, Tommy had a small crush on Tichina in real life, as he would sometimes make comments to her implying that he would be distracted by the outfits she wore on-set. Clearly, he was checking her out, lol. Martin basically asked him if he would "smash" her if he had the opportunity. This storyline was then written into the script, and it was Martin's way allowing Tommy to be able to have that romantic interaction with her fulfilled on the show, since nothing was really going to happen between them in real life. And these are Tichina's words, so... pretty cool.


The title of the episode is a reference to the 1978 song by Donny Hathaway and Roberta Flack. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Closer_I_Get_to_You

Antony Guyton

One of my favorite episodes!!!! Ellia English is a funny guest! She later becomes a supportive cast member for the Jamie Foxx Show as "Aunt Helen King" from 1996 - 2001. Also this has one of my favorite endings aside from "Sophisticated Ladies" from later this season!

Virgil George

Fun fact: The guy that plays Nipsey (Sean Lampkin) is Martin's childhood friend. Martin also put in a couple of his movies. Unfortunately, he passed away last year.

Pat Williams

Gina was amazing this episode 😂


Huh? I never knew that. That sounds creepy af. She wasn’t interested in him so his friend used his power to make them a tv couple so he could talk to her and touch her in ways she didn’t want? 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 Tf?


Yeah, I don't think she ever confirmed or denied that she had feelings for him too. But she said that he would playfully tell her "Girl, go put some clothes on" when he saw her in outfits that accentuated her figure. All she said in her interview was that she made it clear to Tommy that "he could look, but he couldn't touch (it.)" She was married in the beginning of the series, which is most likely another reason why she had her boundaries. Whether she actually liked it/ him or not, I'm not 100% sure. In my opinion, it seems like she liked working with him, because I stumbled upon a music video from this time period, where the two of them actually played love interests. I can see how the way she worded it would come across as creepy though.