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Martin and Gina get a surprise check from the IRS and decide to throw all the money at opening a restaurant, but NOBODY has ANY experience running one! 😅
And OMGosh, we see Stan again!!! 😁
What a silly ending too, with Hammer!
Thanks as always and have a great rest of your week Everyone 🤗🫶-M! & Ash


Yo Mama

Carl Payne (Cole) wore a “Rent Em Spoons” beanie to one of his interviews 😂 btw CREAM is an acronym coined by Wu-Tang Clan. It stands for Cash Rules Everything Around Me.


"Cash Rules Everything Around Me, C.R.E.A.M! Get the money, dolla dolla bills yall" - Wu Tang 😁

Antony Guyton

One of the best episodes off the first 10 minutes alone!!! And major props for Garrett Wilson coming back!

Virgil George

They all broke character on the Rent Em Spoons part. You can see Martin looking at Pam trying not to laugh. And you can also see Pam tripping on Cole's foot, going out of the camera frame and coming back in.😂


That was me, Ashley. I said that Stan would make a comeback.

Brandon Akins

I've seen this episode a ton of times never knew that was hammer I just now got pam saying "can't touch this" 😂


Can you guys react to the George Lopez show

Jason Gleason

At first by the title cream I thought it was the episode with method man. U might see that episode soon

Jason Gleason

"Maybe" its not exactly a spoiler and I can comment what I feel like. No offense