Martin Mondays (Revamped) (Patreon)
2024-11-11 15:25:02
Well Hello Sillies and Happy Martin Monday!
Ashley and I got to thinking about Martin Mondays 🤔
And while WE DO watch them on Mondays, Y'all don't get it until Monday night...🤦
That's NOT a "Martin MonDAY"
So going forward...
Martins will be released much, MUCH earlier on Mondays for everyone to have the opportunity to watch Martin with us on an actual "MonDAY" 🤗
Also, please DM us if your name is missing from the newer credits.
Thanks Sillies and we'll see you SOON for Episodes 23 and 24.
Girlfriend & The Romantic Weekend 😅
🫶🙏-M@ & Ash