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  • 402020553.mp4



The Paynes are invited to attend a Christmas party, but things get a bit awkward when Martin and Tommy realize they're neck deep in swinger territory! 😅
Thanks Everyone, Stay warm if you're like us and getting snowed in at the moment and we'll see you soon 🤗🫶-M@ & Ash


Yo Mama

It’s funny how Martin lied about being Spike Lee’s friend in this episode because in real life, Spike Lee put him in his first movie. As far as the weather, I’ve lived in California my whole life, so I never understood the severity of snow until maybe 10 years ago.


They said 5-8 inches in indianapolis


Where's the 2nd episode? Only 1 episode this week?


Allison in this episode is played by Iona Morris, who voiced Storm in X-Men: The Animated Series.


No snow here on the coast of SC, but it is cold (and I love it)! Stay safe and warm 🔥