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Marlon finds out that President Clinton will be passing through Pops' diner and that the bathroom will be make available to him if he needs it. Marlon gets super excited and tries whatever he can to shake the Presidents hand. TC is back and that makes for some fun scenes (Like the Gold Toilet!😅)
Thanks Everyone and we'll see you soon!🫶-M@ & Ash


Yo Mama

You’re gonna see more of TC and his shenanigans throughout the show, but Lou doesn’t come back. By the end of this season, you’ll see a more consistent cast that they start to build on. Dee is the security guard for the rest of the show and you probably recognize the actress who played her from Friday, she was Craig’s mom.


Dee is my favorite character of this show outside of the bros and Pops.


Believe it or not the secret service guy is actually one of the lesser known Wayans brother


I love Dee, but I never remembered exactly when she came on to the show. She definitely added another level of comedy that the previous security guard's character just didn't bring to the show.