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Just a little video about the HWS Patreon Event :) 

Thanks for taking part and see you in the next one!

Your HWS Team


HWS Patreon | Event Impressions

A short impression video of our latest HWS Patreon event. We hope you had a lot of fun and could take advantage of all the free loot for you :) We will most likely repeat it at some day, if certain Patreon Goals are reached again here: https://www.patreon.com/hws We would really love to have you also in the HWS Patron boat, if you aren't already. Become a Patron here: https://www.patreon.com/hws Thanks a lot and have a great start in the week! Your HWS Team


Captain Crazzy

good bye and good luck. you just lost a good person

HWS - Home World Server

Sorry to hear and sorry you couldn't get what you were looking for (admin position). Maybe next time we have a better setup to allow more admins. Thanks so far for your awesome support and contributions! You are a good person indeed! Take care!