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Good morning/afternoon/evening! Here is a WIP image of the next loop!

I'm going for a POV again! I figured it's been some time since I haven't done any oral and some people seemed to have been wanting it according to the last poll, so here it is! I hope you enjoy it!

Also, I will be leaving for FWA tomorrow... and should be back on Monday! But I have scheduled the finished animation to be posted on Friday for Patrons! I hope to meet some of you over there, as I should be fursuiting as Tatsu, so feel free to come say hi if you see me!

That's all for now, have a good week!



Logan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-16 21:53:50 Can't wait for this and I hope you have fun at FWA!
2024-05-09 03:23:17 Can't wait for this and I hope you have fun at FWA!

Can't wait for this and I hope you have fun at FWA!