Look out Below~ (animation) (Patreon)
tatsu_25_sounds.webm 00:00 / 00:00 -
tatsu_25_MOBILE.mp4 00:00 / 00:00
Good Friday everyone! I hope your week went decently! I've finished the first animation request of the month! After a series of fast paced animations I bring you a softer one! I hope you'll like it! Tatsu certainly is enjoying the more gentle treatment... and you get to enjoy the view from below~
Next week I will be working on another request as well as starting on some commissions! I also have a hunch that we might reach 20 000 followers on Twitter in the next few days (hopefully)! In which case I will also be preparing to host another YCH! So I will announce more news about that soon~
That is all for this week though, I hope you have a good weekend!
(hi-resolution animation attached below, get the MOBILE version if you are on a phone!)