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I can't lie to you, this album shocked me for the most part.

I WISH they had some strong vocalists that deliver charisma and feeling in songs because I could see myself stanning them cos they dance well, have interesting concepts and are entertaining on variety shows.

I was very impressed by the vocal layering and interesting production choices. I'm guessing the other 12 members will also release something soon? It's a shame the members still feel interchangeable in terms of aesthetic and energy which also stops me from being too invested. Hopefully they grow to have more individuality to set them apart, even though you have some different nationalities in there, you wouldn't even know.

Well I'll definitely be keeping an eye on them!

What are your thoughts on them??



Edward Lee

I really enjoy them bc above all else their actual songs are so high quality and highly produced and don't do too much (even if individual members might not be the best singers....but what can you do? It's a new company and it's not like they have first dibs on trainees) and BC they don't necessarily have standout talents vocally (although they do from dance and visuals outside of Dahyun), the company's discipline is something to be lauded. Although, I think you'd be surprised at some of the vocal talent if you dug into them. Their tracks themselves don't do too much, usually it's a REALLY catchy tune with 1 strong concept or theme and high production value The one thing that DOES make them stick with young koreans (girls especially) are their lyrics are pretty top notch (and I mean their lyrics in korean, not translated into english) but this is something that is only relevant in korea TripleS has been a VERY well thought out group conceptually and jaden jeong knows what he's doing and has learned from the mistakes he made with LOONA. You'd be surprised at how popular they are in korea and actually how NOT interchangeable the members are (even though there are 24 of them). MODHAUS has various members EVERYWHERE doing EVERYTHING from a promotion perspective and quite a few of them are gaining traction in various mediums (hayeon and dahyun in radio, the chinese members on Weibo). Yooyeon and Chaeyeon are already pretty well known, Seoyeon on tv/acting. This comeback has really been about highlighting sort of the next set of girls post-the first 8 which is why the japanese line has been highlighted so much (since they're all such good dancers) As long as they keep producing catchy songs, I think they'll be fine. At the very least, this company must have some HUGE backers bc they DO spend money


Ahhh this is much needed context tbh and I'm happy to know they're popular and the work is paying off because conceptually they're definitely doing something fun and the music production also has great work.

Edward Lee

For example....they dropped a reel today and everyone was super confused bc they did a dance challenge with this famous MMA coach in korea and there was a lot of confusion. Turns out, he's quite the dad fan of tripleS. It was SUPER random but kinda shows the extent of their growing popularity


i'm really glad you enjoyed this you can tell they love what they do in their behind the scenes content


Happy that u at least liked more songs then ones u didn't lol, fully agree on all your takes about them needing stand out vocals. I'd say they have maybe 4-5 vocalists who are stronger in the upper registers (like 1 in this unit) and the rest are wayyyy better in their lower imo, which completely hinders them exploring more vocally challenging songs because the members simply can't keep up, they can't be in every unit. I think more all rounders need to be present in a group like this when more than likely the members who excel in vocals aren't going to be voted into well, the dance unit, the rap unit, the whatever unit that might attract other members over them. I think the non "vocal" members have their moments, its when they're performing and covering for other members when they aren't all together, but we never get to see that in their actual songs that we listen to regularly, and non-fans don't really view things like that so it's also very easy to discredit them. But regardless i agree and i don't think they should've been trained to where a lot of the members have a counterpart who sounds almost identical to them (not their faults in anyway, this just seems to be the modhaus style that their aiming to present i guess)


if you do end up viewing their upcoming japanese subunit "hatchi" there are 3 of those members who are more pleasing to hear in their higher ranges in my opinion, so i pray that they're able to showcase them properly with the songs that are given. It’s going to be 8 members, unfortunately the overall main vocal of tripleS will not be in this unit either, but nonetheless i still hope u give it a try.

Edward Lee

i think this was ABSOLUTELY intentional so that they could be at a bunch of places at once. One of the things people outside of korea don't realize is how many scheduled events (that aren't televised) these groups do. A group of 4-6 can literally only be at one place at one time but this group can have an entire 12 person subunit actively promoting a new comeback while 2 are regulars on a radio show, another doing a YT show while the rest are literally going to events every single day in various cities/towns across korea all at the same time. Does it always work when it's a smaller number of girls? Honestly, not really, they kinda look awkward when they do Rising or GND when it's 8 girls but at the very least they need girls who sound the same (even with MR) to do the songs and be able to change formations, sing different parts, etc They're literally the definition of the old saying "if you have a 10% chance, all you need to do is ask 10 people to get that 1 chance". It's very much a brute force be everywhere all at once strategy


Yesss exactly, i dont think what they’re doing is necessarily bad, its working and the girls are successful which is all i could wish for and im happy for them. its more just a personal thing where i wish the members were able to have more individuality and distinction in their voices. I can’t help but think that their producers might be telling them to sound more like ____ and hold back their true tones/voices when they’re singing which again, not necessarily a bad thing i think its good for performances when they’re covering songs from units they aren’t a part of but something about it just feels off to me.

Edward Lee

I get what you're saying. it would be nice for more individuality on the one hand, but on the other hand 24 people is A LOT of people. I can only compare it to when Im practicing violin in an orchestra vs a chamber group vs a solo. The larger the number, the more uniform you want the sound. Nevermind the amount of effort/training it'd take to individually develop all the members. When MODHAUS decided to do a 24 member group, I think just by default they had to make concessions in certain areas as well as stick to a concept first group (versus a talent first group). Quite a few of these girls have very little training in comparison to other girl group members. But like you said, I'm a fan of theirs and happy that they're succeeding, that 16 of the 24 members have already gotten paid not even 2 years in already, and their future looks bright. And what they're lacking in areas like vocal talent, at least MODHAUS is allowing them to excel in other areas like entertainment, radio, choreo, etc.