KARINA Mujin Service + aespa whiplash dance practice (Patreon)
2024-10-30 16:29:38
372343676.mp4 00:00 / 00:00
Karina should give herself WAY more credit!!
She's a stellar vocalist with star quality in her vocals and an open sensual full voice especially in her mid and lower range AND she can be sooo versatile with her delivery. She's absolutely a main vocal by 5th gen standards which means she probably wouldn't have been able to debut in the last couple years lol.
You can certainly hear some habits she's picked up from Winter but I think she's grow out of those when it comes to belting for sure.
Also love her personality and she looks amazing.
The whiplash dance practice is SO GOOD. Like how intricate and layered it is gagged me!! Their star quality and stage presence just keeps growing and growing! Easily one of their best.