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The biggest stand out for me watching this is how FREE Yg artists are as well as how casual and open everything feels which is quite refreshing. I loved being able to see the engineers/producer/writers faces.

These girls are wise and confident beyond their years and I think that's the beauty of YG's training which is about building up your ego and bravado which comes across waaay more authentic than trying to present fake doe like innocence at ALL TIMES.

I LOVE that their confident enough to have so much say over their music, honestly you would think they're veterans, I love it. Vocals on deck.

Looking forward to doing more of these!




I never really vibed with Babymonster when they debuted and didn't really follow up on them after that but I watched this on a whim anyway and it kind of made me want to revisit them at some point. I liked how loose the whole thing was and this is the most I've ever seen of the production team in one of these as well, super refreshing in a world where these can often feel like a conveyor belt of people showing up to replace guide parts and then get sent out the door. On a sidenote, as a Swede I'm aware that Swedes are all over the production and songwriting side of k-pop but I think my brain short-circuited for a second when all of a sudden Swedish subtitles showed up on-screen and people started speaking it, that was the first time I've seen one of us actually show up anywhere in the wild.


Me too! I love how comfortable their recording sessions are. Also why do I feel nervous everytime Ahyeon does those high notes😭😭😭


Honestly they have a lot of potential, if only they were given music that's not so ... shallow and YG in a sense but the talent is there!


Like you mentioned it's extremely nice to see how comfortable and relaxed they all look here, it clearly is a safe space for them. I also wish we got to see more though, they mainly just showed one-liners from all the girls😭


That’s one of the things I like the most about YG artists, it’s the freedom they have when they do these songs. Also the way they monitor each other and giving feedback.


Oh did you see their performance of this song on The First Take???


you should! I was pleasantly surprised by their performance :)