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And to THINK I didn't think this group had any singers??!?!

It really goes to show how producers and labels can do a disservice to talented singers when aiming for songs that are radio/mainstream and unfortunately the tasteless public continues to prove them right.

Dohoon's voice was a pleasant fucking surprises. I LOVE the way he belts. It's like he pops his voice through a crack into a free sounding belt that has a round and warm but kinda breathy tone similar to Haechan but also someone else.

I really enjoyed this. Other parts of his voice require more attention, like vowel shapes and phrasing but tbh he's a lot stronger than I had imagined anyway.




Lea Dan

That’s what happen when the company don’t show the full potential that their artist have with their song that doesn’t showcase their voice, tone, range at all compared to the older generation


am i wrong to say his breathiness kinda reminds me of irene??


I'm so glad you've continued to dip your toes into TWS!! Pledis is evil for trying to hide their talent 😭, but like you mentioned, thank god there are other avenues for them to show their talent! As always, a great reaction ❤️


they did a tiny cover of uptown girl once and that’s when i really noticed they have some singers that pledis is evil for hiding


ahhh i'm so glad you liked it. i was debating wether i should recommend this to you given your initial relationship with tws lmaooo. i think dohoon has one of my favourite voices in kpop at the moment, so refreshing and smooth :)