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Nearly forgot to edit these lol.

Tbh, it's quite a pity that a fantastic survival show ended up going a very predictable way after such a fun format. The global votes just held SOOO much power which is i guess refreshing but i think some were forgettable in the line up meanwhile all the stars in groove (besides park han) are neglected but nonetheless I see them debuting together in the future.

The quality and execution of the last episode was a little underwhelming as well. Tbh so was episode 9, hence me being able to FLYY through both episodes lool.  

I am still looking forward to AHOF's debut though cos Steven, Chih En, Park Ju Won, JL & Park Han will most certainly bring it and have a star quality that excites me!




seungtakho (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-31 23:47:57 This show was so close to being, my favourite survival show until they RUINED it in the last episode. The songs were mid, and for the most part, all sounded the same. They just made the show drag on when watching it live. If you're going to have them perform twice, AT LEAST make sure the songs aren't too similar. No words can describe how much I hate how they decided the final 9 with the winning team plus 2 first places. I would have preferred them committing fully to the fan vote, and just choosing the top 9 most voted. The way they did it just meant that JL CARRIED a few that shouldn't have debuted in this 9.
2025-01-31 23:37:15 This show was so close to being my favourite survival show until they RUINED it in the last episode. The songs were mid, and for the most part, all sounded the same. They just made the show drag on when watching it live. If you're going to have them perform twice, AT LEAST make sure the songs aren't too similar. No words can describe how much I hate how they decided the final 9 with the winning team plus 2 first places. I would have preferred them committing fully to the fan vote, and just choosing the top 9 most voted. The way they did it just meant that JL CARRIED a few that shouldn't have debuted in this 9.

This show was so close to being my favourite survival show until they RUINED it in the last episode. The songs were mid, and for the most part, all sounded the same. They just made the show drag on when watching it live. If you're going to have them perform twice, AT LEAST make sure the songs aren't too similar. No words can describe how much I hate how they decided the final 9 with the winning team plus 2 first places. I would have preferred them committing fully to the fan vote, and just choosing the top 9 most voted. The way they did it just meant that JL CARRIED a few that shouldn't have debuted in this 9.


THIS!!! Completely agree and GOD the songs were boring af LOL like what happened?!?!

Miracle White

I’m a bit sad with the line up WHERE IS GROOVE ATTTT 😞, they may not have been the best dancers but they could sing. Im glad JL made it but tbh his team was alright to me 🤷🏾‍♀️


there’s something about survival shows final episodes that are sooo draining lmfao. I did keep up with it through twitter though, im not mad about the final lineup it was honestly expected. Idk i wish it was done a bit differently, ofc JL is super special and all his votes are completely deserved FOR HIM. but i think if you took the mvps from each team and gave them a spot on the lineup, and THEN you counted the groups total (minus the mvp) i think the race would have been a lot tighter and honestly way more fun lool But anyway I’ve got hope team groove+ kairi might actually be a thing, don’t ask me why (that post groove+ changsub dinner they had a few days ago, and kairi being featured in a lot of team groove tiktoks and stuff) IM PRAYINGG anywayyy thank you for watching this, i loved going along with you on this silly journey and seeing your point of view on things (super grateful we were noticing the same stars, I’ll miss them so much for now 😓) But a 5th gen group with park han and JL, ooouuh I can’t WAIT


Oooooo i didnt know about the changsub dinners omgg!! There could be hope yet. PLEASE KAIRI!!


kenta.... why did you


the rest of the members unfollowed him on social media already they better replace him and keep them as 9 pleek

Olivia Smith

turns out the Kenta allegations were false