Info Update (Patreon)
Hello, all the supporters here. Today I have several things to update here:
1. We have 2 winners for our mini-set poll: Suguha from SAO and Kochou from Deamon Slayers. I have already made complete sets for them and the image set will be online in the coming week. Also, we will have another 3 girls join the competition in the 2nd round, together with the 3rd and 4th place we have from the last round.
2. On May 2nd we reached a milestone of 200 subscribers, and I did not expect we could have 500+ subscribers on June 2nd... But today we have 540+ subscribers! As previously announced, the Pathfinder Tier ($4.99) is officially closed, with about 30 members still enjoying the 4.99 rate after the number of subscribers reached 500. We will have another $1 price bump when we reach 1000+ subscribers: even with that I think we are still the best value subscription on Pixiv/Patreon. So, again, please cherish your membership today: you are the lucky ones who found me earlier than the others. I still have several Dream Starters (the first 20 subscribers) who keep their subscriptions to this date. I am so happy and encouraged by your continued love and support. I could not have achieved this without you guys.
3. I have raised the monthly limit of requests/commissions to 12 since I have a lot of DMs talking about requests. Also, my workflow and styles are now stable after switching to some models since last month, so I can take more requests now. But please still understand I may not fulfill all your requirements because both the model and myself have limitations while your imaginations are truly wild sometimes. Expect 2 weeks before I can deliver my work of about 300 images, usually, but I will definitely post all the images of the request in a subscription cycle so just don't worry about it. Furthermore, I found some subscribers chose to subscribe to the request tier but never contacted me about the request/commission even after I contacted them first. I think maybe you just want to support me more. I am so grateful about that but I would prefer you give me some tasks to finish.
4. I've been busy doing only one thing since last week: I developed a tool that could help me get out of the routine of posting images on Pixiv. This will save me a ton of time to develop new styles and make more images every day. Sit tight, everyone!
5月2日に200人の登録者のマイルストーンに到達し、6月2日に500人以上の登録者がいるとは予想していませんでしたが... しかし、本日は540人以上の登録者がいます!先月、登録者数が500人に達したことを受けて、パスファインダーティア($4.99)は公式に終了しましたが、まだ約30人のメンバーが4.99ドルのレートを楽しんでいます。登録者数が1000人以上になると、さらに1ドルの価格引き上げがあります。ですので、今日の会員資格を大切にしてください:あなたたちは他の人たちよりも早く私を見つけた幸運な人たちです。私にとって、夢のスターター(最初の20人の登録者)が今もなお登録を続けてくれていることはとても嬉しく、励みになっています。皆さんなしでは、これらの達成はできませんでした。
先週以来、私は1つのことに忙しかったです。それは、Pixivに画像を投稿するルーティンから抜け出すのに役立つツールを開発することです。これにより、新しいスタイルを開発し、毎日より多くの画像を作成するのに多くの時間を節約することができます。皆さん、お楽しみに!(Japanese by ChatGPT)