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The Very Last Survey

  • I like the diversified backgrounds, give me more. 50
  • I don't care about the backgrounds; I just keep my eyes on the girl! 39
  • 2024-11-16
  • 89 votes
{'title': 'The Very Last Survey', 'choices': [{'text': 'I like the diversified backgrounds, give me more.', 'votes': 50}, {'text': "I don't care about the backgrounds; I just keep my eyes on the girl!", 'votes': 39}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 16, 1, 5, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 89}


Here comes the last survey about my content: Background!

In my opinion, very diversified background is my pros because I hate dull background some other artists usually do, like hotel rooms, white bed sheets only, and that's it. So, I added random backgrounds like laundry room, classroom, church, forest, seaside, etc... You probably have notice it. But, TBH, simple backgrounds are easier to make, and it has less possibilities to affect the generation quality (that's also why a lot other artists choose to do so). So, adding different backgrounds may slightly negatively affect the image quality and the generation efficiency as well. Therefore, the question is simple choice of two.

Your preference will be very meaningful to me. BTW, if you support diversified backgrounds, you can also suggest some special backgrounds that I don't have yet in the comment section of this post, e.g.: I always think spaceship cockpit should be hot, but not yet have chance to add it to the collection :)


Mellow Jello

There's another artist I subscribe to that does the same repeated backgrounds, so you doing varied backgrounds and scenarios is nice!


When you look at the poll result, we must admit there is internal logic that a lot of artists just do simple/repeated backgrounds, although I choose to do the otherwise.


Talking about backgrounds, something that I really like is that you give us "background" interesting information. For example, in the last poll you mentioned the ratios and in this one the information about why some artists repeat their backgrounds too much. Thanks for that! 👌


Yeah, every choice has its internal logic behind it. AI artists have their own unique ingredients, but I could share some insights from my POV.